NASA Hires Priest to Prepare Humans For Alien Contact
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has hired a priest and other religious experts to help humanity prepare for life on Another planet.
by Roger Norquist
NASA has hired a priest to help prepare humanity for the possibility of alien contact.
The space agency is hiring 24 theologians to work out how the world’s numerous religions could react to the news about extraterrestrial life. The team will do so under the program at the Center for Theological Inquiry at Princeton University.
The reason for the NASA hiring the experts is due to the advances in humanity’s searches for life in the great unknown.
New Missions from multiple space agencies are expected to further the scientific community’s understanding of space: the James Webb Telescope launched Christmas Eve; the European Space Agency’s Rosiland Franklin rover that will be launched toward Mars in 2022; and scientists in Wales have indicated ammonia found in Venus’ atmosphere could have been released by living organisms.
Rev Dr. Andrew Davison.
The first of many to be hired is Rev Dr. Andrew Davison.
“The Prospect for finding life on another planet is becoming ever more real,” Rev DR. Davison said.
Dr. Davison has a doctorate in biochemistry and his book, Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine. In this book, he examines the question, “Could God have created life elsewhere in the universe?”
The Reverand will be attempting to answer questions for the government programs such as What is life? What does it mean to be alive? Where do we draw the line between the human and the alien? What are the possibilities for sentient life in other places?
To how religious studies aid in the search for extraterrestrial life, Dr. Davison wrote in a blog on the University of Cambridge site, “Religious traditions would be an important feature in how humanity would work through any such confirmation of life elsewhere.
“Because of that, it features as part of NASA's ongoing aim to support work on 'the societal implications of astrobiology.”
The Vatican
The Vatican versus other Christian priest.
The Vatican’s chief astronomer said there is no conflict believing in God and the possibility of “extraterrestrial brothers” in 2008.
“In my opinion, this possibility (of life on other planets) exists,” said Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, a 45-year-old Jesuit priest who was head of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict.
Not every theologian agrees with the Catholic Church about the concept of life on other planets.
The president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary said in 2008, “The answer is no.
“We have no reason to believe there is any other story out there. There is nothing in Scripture that says there can’t be some form of life somewhere. But what we are told is that the cosmos was created in order that on this planet Jesus Christ, in space and time and history, would come to save sinful humanity.”
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