Fireball Explodes Over Denver, Thursday Morning
“What it looks like that folks saw last night is a fireball, that’s a bright meteor, a large chunk of space rock that’s falling through the earth’s atmosphere”
A fireball was captured, Thursday, by multiple home recording devices in communities around the Denver Front Range. There has been no reports of damage from the surrounding neighborhoods.
While few people have seen a fireball such as this, especially in urban areas such as Denver, the occurrence is very common according to scientist.
“What it looks like that folks saw last night is a fireball, that’s a bright meteor, a large chunk of space rock that’s falling through the earth’s atmosphere, it looks like it broke up in this case,” Naomi Pequette, a space scientist at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, told 9News.
A handful of fireballs have been seen over the recent days. A local observatory has seen four meteors break up in the atmosphere in the past seven days.
A beautiful Void
filled with great destructive power.
“It actually makes sense right now: we’re at the peak of two meteor showers: the Delta Aquariids and the Alpha Capricornids,” Pequette said.
While meteor explosions are new to most, this is a common event caused by Earth’s atmosphere. A natural defense which protects life on the surface from destruction of smaller space debris.