Alien Mass Landing Imminent Claims Psychic Uri Geller
Uri Geller is claiming that the recent discovery of a neutron star is really evidence of alien communications.
Uri Geller “Bending” a spoon in front of his Spoon Throne. Photo: David Parry/PA Wire
by Roger Norquist
Scientists recently revealed the discovery of a neutron star that was producing strange signals for three months. The star was a new class of neutron stars classified as an “Ultra Long Period Magnetar.”
Uri Geller is calling out that explanation, saying the signals being detected were, in fact, alien communication and pointed to the conclusion of an alien invasion.
"A team mapping radio waves in the universe has discovered something unusual that releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour and it's unlike anything astronomers have seen before," he wrote.
"No doubt in my mind that this is connected to alien intelligence way, way, superior than ours."
The Signals
The magnetar was discovered in 2018 when a series of pulses were detected during two periods, both lasted for 30 days. The first event occurred on January 3 and lasted until February 2 and the second series started on February 28 and ended on March 28.
“This object was appearing and disappearing over a few hours during our observations,” Natasha Hurley-Walker, an astrophysicist at Curtin University, said in a press statement. “That was completely unexpected. It was kind of spooky for an astronomer because there’s nothing known in the sky that does that.”
The object, located 4,000 lightyears away, gave UFO and extraterrestrial a moment of great excitement with hopes immediately turning to the possibility of an intelligent lifeform sending messages out to the galaxy to any being capable of listening.
What is a Magnetar?
An Artist’s rendering of a Magnetar
Magnetars are a type of neutron star. While mostly silent in the void of space, some neutron stars will suddenly erupt a great amount of energy for hours, and even months, before returning to their slumber.
Magnetars are far from being understood but from data collected they have the ability to produce radio signals that are similar to what we would expect to find being naturally produced by intelligent civilizations.
To any that doubt the Alien connection to the Signal, Geller says, "Start deciphering their messages! They are preparing us for a mass landing soon!"